D. Right to Freedom of Association, Expression, Advocacy, and Publication

  1. Students are free to form, join, and participate in groups or organizations that promote student interests, including but not limited to, groups or organizations that are organized for intellectual, religious, social, economic, political, recreational, or cultural purposes, consistent with STU-01, Student Organizations.

  2. In accordance with the state and federal Constitutions and university policy, the university recognizes the rights of all students and student organizations to engage in discussion, to express thoughts and opinions, to engage in peaceful and orderly protests, and to assemble, speak, write, publish in print or online, or invite speakers on any subject without university interference or fear of university disciplinary action, consistent with UA-14, The First Amendment at Indiana UniversityUA-19, Event Management, and GR-01, Contact with State Officials, Federal Officials, and Political Campaigns, and Other Political Activities.

  3. If a student feels that this right has been violated, the student has the right to file a request with the campus chief student affairs officer for an investigation and appropriate action.

  4. Students who publish student publications under university auspices have the right to be free of university censorship. This right does not immunize students from being removed from such positions with proper cause and proceedings.