5. Action by the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs

  1. If the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs receives a report that a student’s complaint has not been sustained by the grievance commission, the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs is required to notify the complaining student and the person charged that the complaint will be dismissed and the decision is final.
  2. If the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs receives a report that a grievance commission has concluded that a student’s complaint should be sustained, the Dean is required to make a final decision concerning the validity of the complaint within seven calendar days following the receipt of the decision.

    1. The Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs shall review the written report and the record of the hearing, may consult with the presiding officer of the grievance commission to clarify an ambiguity in the record, but may not consult with other members of the commission, the complaining student, or any other person who has direct or indirect knowledge of the complaint.
    2. The Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs may take the following action concerning the complaint:

      1. Reject the commission’s conclusion concerning the validity of the complaint and dismiss the complaint upon a finding that there is not a preponderance of evidence in the record to support the findings of the commission, or that procedural error has been committed which deprives the subject of the complaint of due process.
      2. Accept the commission’s conclusion concerning the validity of the complaint and impose the sanction recommended by the commission.
      3. Accept the commission’s conclusion concerning the validity of the complaint and impose an appropriate sanction that was not recommended by the commission.
    3. After the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs has made a final decision, the Vice Provost is required to notify the subject of the complaint and the complaining student within seven calendar days following the final decision.