Campus Review Boards
- The Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs and Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education may maintain a standing Campus Review Board or appoint a new board to hear each particular appeal. In either case, the members of the Board shall be chosen from a list of faculty provided by the Bloomington Faculty Council and a list of students provided by the Bloomington campus student body president and graduate and professional student moderator. Any members who are initially appointed and become unable to serve on the Board should be replaced by the Vice Provost by others from these lists.
- A Campus Review Board must consist of five members, including three members of the faculty and two students. The board must not include any faculty or students from the department in which the misconduct allegedly occurred.
- The presiding officer of the board is appointed by the Vice Provost and must be a member of the faculty.
- The Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs and Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education will establish the procedures for Campus Review Board hearings, which must be consistent with the General Principles in these Procedures.